parent on computer reading about bible in school

What Do Parents Know About Bible In Schools?

August 13, 2019 Dave 2

Most parents don’t seem to have much of an understanding of what Bible in Schools classes really are. Many of them seem to think that they teach about world religions and don’t just promote Christian faith.

beachlands school religious instruction

Beachlands School Reviews Religious Instruction Policy

March 25, 2019 Dave 2

Beachlands School is reviewing it’s religious instruction policy but has provided a biased, promotional account of what it is to parents. Aside from the misleading nature of what they say, they seem to be completely oblivious to the question of the hypocrisy of promoting a religion within a secular state school!

Bombay School Listen to Teachers & Parents: Stop Bible Classes

February 7, 2019 Dave 2

Bombay School is one of the most recent to remove religious instruction classes from their classrooms. It is really encouraging to see how teachers stood up against the religious bias, lack of professional teaching and supported the principle of secular education, welcoming to all children.