Why Should Religious Instruction Go? A Letter To Boards Of Trustees

August 21, 2018 Dave 0

If you want to petition the board of trustees at your school for changes to religious instruction, this letter from Tanya Jacob of the Secular Education Network would be a good place to start. School boards often don’t understand the issue and are reluctant to make changes that will create complaints without support from parents.

Chris Hipkins on inclusiveness & bullying

Education Council of Aotearoa NZ interview with Chris Hipkins

June 28, 2018 Dave 2

The Education Council of Aotearoa New Zealand seems content to join the list of other organisations that are happy to sit on their hands and do nothing when they should be standing up for the children who are forced out of their own classrooms, coerced into religious indoctrination, bullied and mistreated by the teachers, board members, school administration, evangelical church volunteers and parents who make it happen.

NZEI policy on religious instruction

NZEI Supports Discrimination by Religious Instruction

June 25, 2018 Dave 0

The NZEI has supported access for religious groups to our non-religious state primary schools for decades. Why haven’t they reviewed their policy and why aren’t they protecting teachers and children from this discriminatory practice?

UNHRC logo

SEN Submission for the New Zealand Universal Periodic Review

June 21, 2018 Dave 0

Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a mechanism of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council (HRC). The HRC uses the UPR process to examine the human rights performance of all 193 UN members, including New Zealand.  Tanya Jacob of the Secular Education Network has prepared the following submission. I personally find it extremely disappointing that we have to appeal to the United Nations for assistance with religious discrimination within our own secular education system when SEN have been waiting (without even an initial consultation) nearly 2 years for a Human Rights Tribunal hearing within our own country.