religious instruction nz first

NZ First Party Policy on Religious Instruction in NZ Primary Schools

August 10, 2017 Dave 0

Tracey Martin is the Education spokesperson for New Zealand First. Known as a party appealing to more “traditional” views and an army of grey-haired followers, I wondered what sort of response I would get. Tracey was willing to discuss the issue and seemed open to different views to her own but ultimately failed to respond when asked if her role as Minister for Children meant protecting their right to freedom of belief and a secular education.

labour party religious instruction policy

Labour Party Policy on Religious Instruction in NZ Primary Schools

August 10, 2017 Dave 2

The Labour Party have long held the stance that a review of religious instruction is needed. Regardless of what you think of them, you have to respect their open stance on this issue. Chris Hipkins was informed on the issue and was also willing to give a straight answer. Full credit to him.

Does Religious Instruction Create Atheists?

July 11, 2017 Dave 0

It’s been said that if you really want to turn someone away from religion, get them to study the Bible. Billy’s experience of religious instruction put him off religion and ultimately turned him to atheism and an appreciation for human values that don’t require religion.